Mon 27 Jan
*¨¨* SATISFACTION ×X× *¨¨*IS*¨¨*. MY ×× *¨¨* BEST. *¨¨* QUALITY! ×X× *¨¨ 100 Special - 24
(Pittsburgh In/Out 24/7)
~~~Wednesday Early Morning to Late Evening ~~~ Rates from $100 - 250 ~814 233 5123
(New Stanton INCALL ONLY)
Sun 12 Jan
THE * *VIXEN* N E X T * D O O R }Highly skilled &HUNG; like a Horse11"FF In Town 2 days only!!! - 22
We are back working together and NEW Pics. 2 Girl SPECIAL - 26
(Pittsburgh, Greensburgh incall or outcall)
*¨¨*:: __*ViSiTiNG* ____ ×°°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWTNSS _×°°× ____ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __::*¨¨* - 23
-:¦:- LAST -:¦:- DAY -:¦:- Stunning -:¦:- Elite -:¦:- Brunette -:¦:- Bombshell -:¦:- SPECIALS - 30
(-:¦:- Airport Incall -:¦:- Outcall)
*:©:* ExTrEmELy ©:* AddIcTiVe *:©:* BLoNde *::*HoTTiE !!!*:© - 21
(Pittsburgh In & Out Calls)
📵CauTION 📵2692352364 is A FaKE GirL🚫 ShE is uSiNg My PiCs🚫 - 24 - 24
(Allentown, Harrisburg, Penn State, Philadelphia, PHOENIX, Pittsburgh)
____STEAMY______💋 OUTCALL💋_______ Sweet_______ 💕 READY TO PLEASE YOU 💕_______ - 21
(pgh OUTCall all surrounding areas, Pittsburgh)
Sat 11 Jan
Sexxy BBCD for Fun >>>>Looking for Discreet Hung Str8/Bi Guys - 28
(Pittsburgh, Turtle Creek/Monroeville)
❤️IVY❤️ 36DDD natural red head! 💰💋💳. Awake til 6am - 24
(Downtown, Washington, airport, cranberry, Pittsburgh)
Want to get away from your hectic stressful life for a minute? treat yourself to me! - 22
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, 10 minutes away)
N--e--W-*Be AuTiFuL >* ExOtic HOT R_ I_C_A_N PLaY m aTe - 22
NEW __ NEW __ NEW _ _the PERFECT PETITE Body JADA 240 354 1440 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville PA (incall only))
*!*((ALL NeW))*!* De£iCiOuS & SiNfu£ :: || BRuNeTTE || :: BuStY BaBE *!*(( $100 SpECiAL ))*!*
♥ IM ** eXaCtLy ** WhAt ** YoU ** nEeD ♥ IM BacK - 23
(incall only(( come see me)))
I'll treat you like my "BOYFRIEND" GONE in few hours - 22
(Cranberry, wexford, surrounding areas, Pittsburgh)
·.¸¸.·´¯♥ ·. * ( ( BOoB-a-liCioUs ) ) * ( ( CuRVy ) ) * ( ( BRuNEttE ) ) * (( NoW AVAILABLE))
ASiAN BABT💜💜💜💜💜•🎀 •💋• NEw Visiting💗 CUite💜 Super MODEL ★ V🎀•💋 •💗 💖💜💜💎💎💎💎💙 - 21
(Pittsburgh, 💟💟💟✅✅✅PITTSBURGH✅✅✅💟💟💟)
#1 Adult Model Management Company Looking for Amateur/Fresh Faced Girls!!! - 47
(Pittsburgh, Miami/LA)
🐴 9.5 Loaded Anaconda 🐴 Top an Bottom💧( YUMMMM ) 💧 Yes In The (Mouth 👅) no Not The (Hands 👏 - 23
(in and out, Pittsburgh)
Sexy Shannon..Here to Please You!!!!!!! Try Me 120 / SPECAILin- outcalls - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Monroeville)
GuEsS WhO's In 4 BrEaKfAsT?? (( MoNrOeViLLeS FaVoRiTe )) MoRnInG SpEcIaLs!! 8O sPeCiaL - 19
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville__ I WaNt U _((8O SPECIAL)))
☆• — —H O T ——•☆• — ♥ 80 I N C A L L S — •☆• ——T O D A Y ——☆• - 23
(Pittsburgh, Harmarville Incalls & Outcalls 24 Hrs)
💢🌟💢🌟💢🌟 100% real -HOT Stripper!! 💢🌟💢🌟💢🌟 Beautiful BRUNETTE Barbie 💢🌟💢🌟💢🌟 FUN Size - THICK 💢🌟💢🌟 - 24
(North shorreeee, Pittsburgh)
💘❤️Two playmates for Two 💯 ❤💘 Real & recent pictures! Avail. now! - 18
(Downtown Cranberry Washington Monroevill, Pittsburgh)
Were up late! Specials avail w Calla and Jaz two of the hottest exotic girls in the city 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, robinson airport greentree pgh in or out)
★*_**wArNiNg DaNgErOuS cUrVeS!!★sWeEt N SeXy cOcO★★MeLt iN yOuR mOuTh★100 SPECIAL - 22
(Pittsburgh, Robinson)
Come get chocolate waisted... With Az finnest!!! - 19
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh &&surrounding; I.c ONLY)
Car fun this morning moon township can give what ur not getting at home - 29
(Moon Township, Pittsburgh)
Sensual Rub down by a Sexy Down-to-Earth Sweet Lady ***~Avail 8am-12am till Fri.~*** 412-877-7891 - 29
NUDE Male Massage For OLder Mature Men & Fetishes My Private Home Or Yours
Fri 10 Jan