Mon 27 Jan
THE * *VIXEN* N E X T * D O O R }Highly skilled &HUNG; like a Horse11"FF In Town 2 days only!!! - 22
#Local Ts# %JENNIFER% 9"",Bottom Girl & A New Years MUST S€€ TS : ;-() SMOOTH Skin/ NO wigs Here - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville -,Popular TS/ All Real BABY)
Blk - Italian- French Hung SexyGoddess "TS AIMEE HOTT" (Visiting Today Wed Jan 25-) - 27
(Pittsburgh, Downtown)
$80 Local Ts JeNN* H√U√N√G & I Look The BEST w/RealPICS AVAIL Now AllDAY AllNITE *BsT R!M IncludEd - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville $80-GREAT PRICE $80)
Last night .. IN TOWN ......DONT MISS OUT ..... 10 FF..TOP .Or .BOTTOM ...real photos - 23
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE AREA ....)
$70 SMOOthSkin/NO WIGS Here** JENN's/MSG--> (Don't_ LeT_YuR _DATE_Be_A_ FAKE)!!!! S©0®€/HERE - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh DUQ/UNIVERSITY $70-1DAY OnLY)
$100. SMOOTHskin/ NoWIGS Here... (Dont_Let_Yur _DATE_Be_A _FAKE) Meet A Real TRANSEXUAL w/Real Pics - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Hotel)
★【☆I AiM †o Pl∈AS∈! ☆ F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】★【JuiCy LiPs】★【 SiMpℓy* THE * BeSt* 】★【1st Time Here - 22
(Pittsburgh, Oakland university area)
!!! 9inFF Hott & Passable "LAST NITE SPECIAL"~ Rather TOP or BOTTOM IM YOUR GAL ~ - 23
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ SEXY ✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⎛✿⎛SEXY ⎛✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ SEXY✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ SEXY✿⎛ - 21
~♥Smart, Sexy Beautiful MILF available Today♥~ Downtown Pittsburgh♥ - 36
(Pittsburgh, Downtown Pittsburgh)
█ Sexy, Upscale and READY! Truly your BEST KEPT SECRET ;) █ 1 of a KIND!! - 21
(Near downtown & airport)
♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] ♡♥♡ SeDuCTiVe TrEaT :¦:•A REAL FaNtaSy!!——2— - 24
💖💋💖💋SHAY💖💖 Beautiful💖Nice Curvy Body💖Best Pleasure You Will Ever Have(Out CallsOnly)💖💖 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh- Outcalls only)
Sexy, Sensual, Professional Escort...... New pics Incall/ Outcall - 29
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh-Greensburg and Surrounding)
(= SeXy BLONDE CURVY BaRbiE =) ( =LAST NiTE $pEciALs=) (= G* F* E* =) 80/20 100/30 - 22
(24hr Pittsburgh (Near Airport) IN ***)
-------- »»» SEXIER THAN A FERRARI ««« ---------- I Can Drive A Stick Very Well ~~ RARE 100 SPECIALS - 25
(Pittsburgh, pitt in/out -->> 610_310-8778)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION ×X× *¨¨*IS*¨¨*. MY ×× *¨¨* BEST. *¨¨* QUALITY! ×X× *¨¨ 100 Special - 24
(Pittsburgh In/Out 24/7)
Sexy and Sassy! Beautiful Brunette Bombshell. in/out/car 208.309.0068 - 23
(By Robinson Mall/ Steubenville Pike)
P R E T T Y * C L A S S Y * E X O T I C * S W E E T * A S I A N will be in town 2night - 21
*°o° Its ME, MYSELF, AND I CREAM .. *°♥ °Texas gal Looking for a few hard men ☂ *° - 22
(incall/outcall(University Area 3star))
___ LiMiTeD TiMe! ♥ :StUnNiNg : Southern DoLL **sOfT cUrVeS** {PERFECT B(o)(o)TY!} ((24HRS)) - 26
(Pittsburgh, [--- MONROEVILLE --])
~~~Wednesday Early Morning to Late Evening ~~~ Rates from $100 - 250 ~814 233 5123
(New Stanton INCALL ONLY)
Monroeville morning specials book now here today only!!! dont miss out - 23
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)
_ _ LOVELY _ _ (( B_U_S_T_Y )) _ PLEASING _ is _ my _ PLEASURE _ :) SpeCials - 23
(pittsburgh in/out 24/7)
Lomi Lomi massage &&& companionship 234 206 0543 $150 hr $300(incl 3 hrs) - 32
(Pittsburgh, Robinson town center/outcall too)
nc.diamond /booty doctor fly like butter fly sting like a bee open you web page guess what you see
Here from SUNNY San Diego to brighten your day .Tiny petite, little princess ./MonroeVi2 & Mosside - 23
☆• — —H O T ——•☆• — ♥ 80 I N C A L L S — •☆• ——T O D A Y ——☆• - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Incalls & Outcalls 24 Hrs)