Sat 11 Jan
🎀 ⒜⒱⒜⒤⒧⒜⒝⒧⒠ N0W❗💦ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ 😻 ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ😇 δiℳpℓy 💕✷aℳaZinG 💎яєα∂у ➋ ρℓєαse 👅 - 23
(My place or yours, Pittsburgh)
**let me show you what the best feels like ***
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, hotel room)
▓◄ LEAVING TMRW ◄▓ you'll have me on your mind ALL night! Promise! - 20
(incall and outcall 24hours!)
Let me finish what your eyes started §kIlLD HiP§ MaGiCaL lips-:¦:- 80$pecials - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburg Monroeville)
* [[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 19
Exotic Treat- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Leaving Soon!!!! - 22
(Green Tree ====== Incalls Only)
⎝⏠ ⏝ ⏠⎠ - TRY TODAY! SWEET ASIAN = NATURAL HEALTH **215 - 357 - 7484 - 25
Well Reviewd !! Unrushed - Fun - Teaseing - Open Minded & plenty MORE !! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Delmont/New Stanton/Ur Place:))
WELL 👀💦💦👅REVIEWED! 💦💦THE EBONY👅💦👅💘 GODDESS💕👅💦💦 visiting! - 29
(Cranberry 22-23-😘Pittsburg 24 only!!, Pittsburgh)
:¦: -£ÕV£Y .- :¦:- XÕIC .-:¦:-. BUSTY GoDDeSS-:¦:- AVA!LABL!! 38DDD - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Pittsburgh)
WE NEED LOVE... will you be the one? Come make OUR night ($99.00/hr SpEciAL) - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA)
************ TAKE A BREAK AND CUM SEE ME- New Superstar Available Now- SPECIALS ALL DAY ************ - 24
star is here ready for you to be her number 1 incalls 4125299863 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Belle Vernon and surrounding areas)
Explosive SPECIALS for the 4th!! Sexy Italian Princess Giuliana all natural 36d real pics 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, near pgh/monroeville in harmarville)
face of an angel body of a goddess new in town !! (triple threat!) - 19
(Pittsburgh, pittsburg incall & outcall)
🍇🍇💞💞💖Exotic🍇🍇🍇💕💕🍇💞 French CARRIBEAN🍇🍇 doll visiting! - 28
(Monroeville 20-21🍇 Cranbury 22-24, Pittsburgh)
Come Visit Me**** Total Package CHERRY **** Available with Specials **** Total Package cherry**** - 19
(Pittsburgh, pittsburg In/Outcall)
(¯`'.¸ ; ¸.'´¯) $❤$ ~ GIrL NexT Door ★ AMaZINg BoDY!! ~ $❤$ (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 24
💎🌟🌹OUTCALLSeXXXy Jesse... 🌔🌠⚡Let me show you how to unwind, and have the best night EVER!💝📦🍷 - 25
(Pittsburgh, South Hills)
Looking For A Great Time, Call Me.. Promise To Leave You Satisfied..... - 21
(Monroeville and Surrounding Areas)
$$$$$$ mIsS GiOvAnNa CaPrI MoNrOeViLLeS bEsT KePt SeCrEt 2672165638 $$$$$$$ - 21
(Monroeville incall 60 100 160 until 6am)
Miss Nomi.. ..Tall Black and Brazilian Sex Goddess.. ...Come see what what all the fuss is about - 21
LoOk WhO's In ToWn (( OnE BaDD BuNNy )) SkY (( PiTTsBuRgS FiNeSt )) (( NeW )) - 19
(RoBiNsOn ToWnShIp (( 1Oo SpEcIaL )))
Your Ultimate Erotic Experience something more tasteful 😜😘😚🍬🍭🍒🍓 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Southside Pittsburgh)
Sexy Hot Nude Fullbody Rubs 814~217~7371 double ur pleasure 2 girls - 28
(Pittsburgh, Greentree pittsburgh)
Fri 10 Jan
🌟Nothing Like the Way I Do🌟~36DD🌟Blonde Reviewed🌟 Babe🌟Nice n Wild🌟(Be in town 7/18-7/20) - 37
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh--Arriving--(July 18-July 20))
2 Days 0Nl¥!!ReTuRNinG PL@¥buNNy👯ViSiTinG SweeThEarT~Th!cK HiPS, 🍭C@Nd¥ LiPs💋, N0 SLip Gr!P💢~ - 24
(Cranberry township mine or yours, Pittsburgh)
THURSDAY & FRIDAY SPECIALS ___ $$100$$ ___ Highly Reviewed!!! _____ UNMATCHED SKILLS!!! - 25
~*tHe BeAuTiFuL MiSs MiA*~ rEaDii Or NoT PiTtSbUrGh HeRe i CoMe AnD iF uR LuCkY yOu WiLL tOo!!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Crafton-Pittsburgh)
ThE bEsT yOu EvEr HaD )** CoMe GeT wAt U dEsErVe ~ BuRnEtT SpEcIaLs - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh & surrounding areas)
Not To Much But Just Enough! Take A Bite Out Of Heaven;) SPECIALS!!! - 28
(Pittsburgh, PittsburghMills Rt28 & Surrounding)
(((( NEW Location ))))) Hot Seductive Film star COME play IM ready Willing & waiting!!! - 23
(Monroeville (incall-outcall))
»*° ( I. HaVe. S _ K_ !_ L _ L _S. BaBy! ) *° ( ILL KEEp YoU CoMiNg BaCk 4 MoRe! ) » - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh in/out)
I'm here......... I'm available........ and I'm READY for some fun! Get in touch with this Hottie!! - 22
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Find out what they do & don't do
(In your city)