Mon 27 Jan
THE * *VIXEN* N E X T * D O O R }Highly skilled &HUNG; like a Horse11"FF In Town 2 days only!!! - 22
~♥Smart, Sexy Beautiful MILF available Today♥~ Downtown Pittsburgh♥ - 36
(Pittsburgh, Downtown Pittsburgh)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION ×X× *¨¨*IS*¨¨*. MY ×× *¨¨* BEST. *¨¨* QUALITY! ×X× *¨¨ 100 Special - 24
(Pittsburgh In/Out 24/7)
___ LiMiTeD TiMe! ♥ :StUnNiNg : Southern DoLL **sOfT cUrVeS** {PERFECT B(o)(o)TY!} ((24HRS)) - 26
(Pittsburgh, [--- MONROEVILLE --])
~~~Wednesday Early Morning to Late Evening ~~~ Rates from $100 - 250 ~814 233 5123
(New Stanton INCALL ONLY)
█ I PROMISE u wont forget this .. catch me while u can! ;) █ Leaving Tmrw - 21
(Robinson Incalls 24hrs)
I ~ W*I*L*L~ R*I*D*E ~ IT ~L*I*K*E ~I ~ O*W*N~ IT Avail. after 6pm Today'' - 24
(Pittsburgh, outcalls only)
💞Heidi! Blonde, busty, and petite! Ready now! Cash/credit! 💞 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry, Monroeville, Washington)
Mon 13 Jan
Late nite specials to jump start your wkend spend it with the sexy italian princess 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Airport/Robinson/green tree/monroeville)
LATE LATE NITE SPECIALS !! Sexy Italian Princess Giuliana all natural 36d real pics 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, near pgh/monroeville in harmarville)
Sun 12 Jan
SuPeR SeXy ✔9HUNG ✔Perfect Body☎♥★T0TAL S—E— X—Y [•★•] # PICK • Ts envii - 20
(Philadelphia, South Philly / Center City)
THE * *VIXEN* N E X T * D O O R }Highly skilled &HUNG; like a Horse11"FF In Town 2 days only!!! - 22
( 100% ReAl ) = GFEToP NoTcH= =SmOkIn HoT BRAZILLIAN LAST DAY IN TOWN= =1 #PiCk= ( 100% SeXy ) - 19
1000 % ReaL GiRL 1000 % Sexy PiCS 100 % iNDePeNDeNT - 21
((* Summertime Specials*女)
* SpECiAls* ★ === ►[ LAST NIGHT.! ] ◄ === ★ MiXEd FiLiPiNA *BoMbShELL - 21
(monroeville -incalls-)
May 6 Visiting Pittsburgh for a few days. Steamy Sensual Adult Actress - 49
(Pittsburgh, downtown Pittsburgh)
Lets play Santa and Mrs Clause* i Can suck on ur Candy kane & U can have my HOT Moist Cookies!! - 24
(Philadelphia, airport area incall only)
*** CRIME ALERT *** *** crime alert *** *** CRIME ALERT *** - 41
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Devin, tall exotic dark haired beauty with amazing long legs and perfect body.4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, north 28/near pgh +monroeville)
*¨¨*:: __*ViSiTiNG* ____ ×°°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWTNSS _×°°× ____ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __::*¨¨* - 23
~ *SwEet* ~~ *SeXy* ~~*SaSsY* ~~*N*~~ *ClAsSy*~~ INCALL)OUTCALL ! - 26
(eastside pitts-monroeville, Pittsburgh)
-:¦:- LAST -:¦:- DAY -:¦:- Stunning -:¦:- Elite -:¦:- Brunette -:¦:- Bombshell -:¦:- SPECIALS - 30
(-:¦:- Airport Incall -:¦:- Outcall)
(( Ir!Sh/LaTiN VixXxEN )) 36DD's ReADy fOr A LiTTLe SqUeEZe ((AVAILABLE NoW))
-------->>> That BEAUTIFUL?? On BACKPAGE?? NO Way! I Have A SEXY SLIM Body That You Are SURE TO LOVE - 22
NEW! World FAMOUS HBO Super Hooker & Living Legend Of The Game Is Here! 80RR-28-48 Big Busty Nessa
(Airport Area)
( 100% ReAl ) = GFEToP NoTcH= =SmOkIn HoT BRAZILLIAN LAST 2 DAYS IN TOWN= =1 #PiCk= ( 100% SeXy ) - 19
( WIFE & HUSBAND ) FOR OLDER MEN ONLY Massage By Both Of Us Relax & Unwind With The Both Of Us NUDE - 27
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pa IN OR OUT CALL)
Sat 11 Jan
Sexxy BBCD for Fun >>>>Looking for Discreet Hung Str8/Bi Guys - 28
(Pittsburgh, Turtle Creek/Monroeville)
TGIF night party at my place or urs w pghs finest exotic brunette Riley avail now 4122289699 - 25
(Pittsburgh, in/outcall pgh Oakland grntree Robinson)
SUP€R TiGHT JUIC€B0X ✴True Freak✴ ✴ pleaser✴ ✴ C0ME FIX MY✴ AQUAFINAFLow 💖8 18—213——1904💖▃▃ - 23
(Crafton, Pittsburgh)
N--e--W-*Be AuTiFuL >* ExOtic HOT R_ I_C_A_N PLaY m aTe - 22
*!*((ALL NeW))*!* De£iCiOuS & SiNfu£ :: || BRuNeTTE || :: BuStY BaBE *!*(( $100 SpECiAL ))*!*
♥ IM ** eXaCtLy ** WhAt ** YoU ** nEeD ♥ IM BacK - 23
(incall only(( come see me)))
IM New in Town SO Im PASSING Out TESTERS $45 $45 ToD@Y ONLY What Do Have 2 LOSE!!! - 24
KATIES NUDE BODY RUB Lay Back Relax Let Me Do All The Work For MEN OVER 35 Please Lay Back & Enjoy - 27