Sat 11 Jan
Wont be available intill after 4pmSlippery Nuru Massages 4126078302 specials for white men no blacks - 32
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)
Fri 10 Jan
we are having 80 SPECIALS 4126078302 NO RUSH TAKE UR TIME - 25
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)
Thu 09 Jan
I have a Jacuzzi I have a massage table and also make it rain for 4126078302to this is early tonigh - 34
(monroeville right next to monroeville ma, Pittsburgh)
special for Fridaywho's going to be my first calleronly white men4126078302 white men over 50 verypretty - 32
(monroeville right next to monroeville ma, Pittsburgh)
Wed 08 Jan
hi I'm a new girl from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania my number is 412 3733 828 - 32
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)
Tue 07 Jan
80 dollar specials enjoyment I take my time426078302 - 34
(monroeville right next to monroeville ma, Pittsburgh)
morning specials 80 dollars till 12 o'clock nopics 4126078302 verypretty - 32
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)
Mon 06 Jan
Let's have some fun upper class area724-712-5863 - 32
(monroeville right next to monroeville ma, Pittsburgh)
special for Monday white men over 50 verypretty - 32
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)
l have new pics I will not send no more pics 4126 07830 2 - 32
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)
Great special for saturday4126078302 verypretty - 32
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)
Sun 05 Jan
specials enjoyment I take my time7247125863 - 34
(monroeville right next to monroeville ma, Pittsburgh)
Sat 04 Jan
new pics I will not send no more pics 4126 07830 2 - 32
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)
Fri 03 Jan
specials enjoyment I take my time7247125863 - 34
(monroeville right next to monroeville ma, Pittsburgh)
happy Friday great specialI'm very prettywill not send no more pics 4126 07830 2 - 32
(Pittsburgh, monroeville right next to monroeville ma)